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3 questions to ask yourself before getting botox injections

Crow’s feet, frown lines and any kind of wrinkle is the last thing you want to see on your face when you look in the mirror. Those unavoidable signs of ageing can creep up on you sooner than you’d like and before you know it, you feel as though you’re staring at your parent rather…

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Sleigh bells ringing, chestnuts roasting, noses nuzzling: add some nose-to-nose romance to your holiday

Sleigh bells ringing, chestnuts roasting, noses nuzzling Glistening snow, shimmering lights, echoing carols –  the beauty of the season brightens your surroundings as you approach the holidays.  But what about your own personal beauty?  Wouldn’t the greatest gift be a lovely rosy nose ready for an Eskimo kiss from that “Secret Santa” you’ve had your…

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How to prepare for plastic surgery

Whether you’re having a rhinoplasty, a breast enlargement or a tummy tuck (or all three), you want to arrive well-prepared for your operation day. Here are some tips to help you make sure everything goes smoothly. 1. Preparing for the operation – Stop smoking at least two weeks before the operation to improve the flux…

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Breast Augmentation: How To Get The ‘Natural Look’

There was a time when breast augmentation – or a ‘boob job’ – was instantly associated with very large, very round, unnatural looking breasts (think Jordan in her heyday). Thankfully, that has now changed and most people realise that breast augmentation is a way of achieving natural-looking fuller breasts that suit your body type. Whether…

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Why A Tummy Tuck Could Be The Answer For Busy Mums Who Want Their Body Back

Becoming a parent is one of life’s greatest pleasures – but the truth is that for many women pregnancy changes their body forever. Saggy skin around the tummy is one of the most common complaints from the mums I see as patients – and, sometimes, there is no amount of dieting or hitting the gym…

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Interesting facts about cosmetic surgery

We live in the information age and we are bombarded by different types of media, constantly feeding us with news and research. Due to this, most people have a pretty good general overview of the different types and purposes of cosmetic surgery. However, here six are things about this increasingly popular practice that you may…

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What To Expect At Your First Consultation

Your first consultation with a cosmetic surgeon can be nerve-wracking as well as exciting. Finally, all the plans you have been making in your head are being put into action! If you are considering plastic surgery in Bristol, it might put some of your mind at ease to know what to expect when we first…

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The Rise in Popularity of Male Plastic Surgery

There was a time when cosmetic surgery was assumed to be something only women were interested in. Those days have long gone! Increasing numbers of men are seeking help from professional and trustworthy cosmetic surgeons to improve their appearance. In fact, figures show that in 2013 nearly 10% of all cosmetic procedures done in the…

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Why do people get tummy tucks?

Sometimes, cosmetic surgery can be wrongly interpreted as a lazy way to improve your body image. With procedures that change the shape of the abdominal area, there can be the assumption that a person is using the surgery as a short-cut rather than making an effort to change the shape of their body in a…

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Paul’s Top 10 Recovery Tips

The days and weeks after your cosmetic surgery can be challenging for some patients. On the one hand, the hardest part – the surgery – is over and you can look forward to enjoying your new image. On the other hand, you may be in some discomfort and feel frustrated about having to limit your…

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