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Allergan breast implants

For patients who have had Allergan breast implants inserted the following is an excerpt from their recent advice bulletin. We are aware Allergan have stopped selling textured breast implants and tissue expanders and intend to withdraw remaining supply in European markets. There is currently no evidence of an increased risk to patients and there is…

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Stuttgart Advanced Rhinoplasty Conference 2018

I’ve just recently returned from the 26th Stuttgart Advanced Course for Rhinoplasty, learning from the world masters. In travelling to Germany for this advanced course on rhinoplasty, I was able to tap in to the knowledge of some of the finest doctors in the field, and I hope to bring some of this expertise to…

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Paul Wilson on Channel 5's Critical Surgery – Saving Lives

Our Consultant Plastic Surgeon Mr Paul Wilson will be featuring on Channel 5’s Critical Surgery – Saving Lives. The show, which airs on the 22nd February at 10pm, will focus on Paul’s time volunteering with Facing Africa.

 The series follows twenty UK volunteers who travel to Ethiopia to perform life-saving facial surgery. The surgeons tackle complex and groundbreaking reconstructive…

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Botti's Best Face Symposium

Paul Wilson was delighted to attend this year’s prestigious Botti’s Best Face Symposium, held in Italy in May. The annual Villa Bella Clinic aesthetic symposium is an educational conference for aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons who are committed to their professional development and keen to learn the latest techniques to benefit their clients. The event is…

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Cosmetic Surgery in Bristol

Welcome to the launch of BristolCosmeticSurgery. At BristolCosmeticSurgery we will deliver the safest, most current and competitively priced cosmetic surgery procedures. Your consultations and surgery are performed by an accredited Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive surgeon who operates within both the NHS and the private sector. We offer a range of cosmetic surgery operations for…

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Advanced Training in Rhinoplasty

Thinking of having a ‘nose job’ otherwise known as a rhinoplasty. Your Bristol Cosmetic Surgeon offers primary rhinoplasty (your first nose operation) and secondary procedures to correct your nose after trauma or previous rhinoplasty. Paul Wilson has just returned from the Advanced Mini-fellowship in Revision Septorhinoplasty in Bergamo,Italy in the high tech Papa Giovanni XXIII…

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When the sun comes out it’s time to show off your body!

Well we’ve survived another winter where we cover ourselves up from head to toe, so we are far less self-conscious under all that camouflage. However spring is here and summer is just around the corner, so this is a time of year when many become more aware of their physical appearance. For cosmetic surgeons, Bristol’s…

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Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery as it is better known.

There is something about the name ‘rhinoplasty’ that you can’t help but associate with a rhinoceros, and they aren’t exactly renowned for their small noses. As a consequence, rhinoplasty is seen as a procedure that only needs to be carried out on people with exceptionally large noses. This couldn’t be further from the case, and…

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