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Three things you need to know before getting a nose job

Rhinoplasty, colloquially termed as a ‘nose job’, can be life-changing. Used to reshape the profile and alter the appearance you were born with, it can give you the look you’ve always dreamed of and never thought you would be able to achieve.

A lot of people who opt for rhinoplasty have been unhappy with their appearance for a long time. Some have suffered bullying at school, or find that it has damaged their self-confidence. For these people, the impact it has on their life can be transformative.

But the reality of rhinoplasty should not be ignored. Like any surgical procedure, there are many things to consider. Here are a few things you should be aware of before taking the plunge.

1. You’ll need to take time off work

Rhinoplasty is a serious surgical procedure, and those who go through it will need to take at least one week to 10 days off work. To reduce the amount of time you spend out of action, many medical professionals will encourage you to stop taking all non-steroidal anti-inflammatories 10 to 14 days pre-op. Fish oil should also be avoided during this period. This will help to reduce bruising and swelling, and get you back to normal in no time.

2. There will be bruising and swelling

It’s important to note that bruising and swelling will be inevitable. You can reduce this by keeping your head elevated and activity to a minimum (ideally, you want to keep your heart rate below 100 for the first 10 days). You might also want to utilise cold compresses and ice gels, or try homeopathic remedies like montana, bromelain, and arnica to aid recovery.

3. It will take at least a year before you see the final result

Many of the patients who opt for rhinoplasty expect the results of the procedure to be immediate, but this is not the case. The initial and most significant swelling will take 10 to 14 days to resolve, whilst most residual swelling will disappear after four to six weeks. However, it is likely to be between 12 and 15 months before all of the swelling has healed and the final result of your surgery becomes visible.

To learn more about rhinoplasty and its after-effects, get in touch with our friendly team today.


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