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Six Things You Should Do Before You Book a Breast Enlargement

Six Things You Should Do Before You Book a Breast Enlargement

Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts from a young age. Others see their breasts change in shape and lose firmness as they age or after having children.

That’s why so many women turn to highly experienced surgeons like myself for breast enlargement in Bristol.

Once you’ve made the decision that a breast enlargement – or a ‘boob job’ – is for you, there is usually no turning back – but, before you book, I recommend doing these six things:

  1. Think about the breasts you want

So you know you would like bigger breasts, but have you thought about how big you want to go and what sort of shape you would like? This is something I am often able to advise my breast enlargement Bristol patients on, but it is a good idea to do some of your own detailed research so you can be confident about what you want from the word go.

  1. Prepare yourself for a change of plan

It is part of my role as a professional cosmetic surgeon to ensure your breast enlargement is safe and suitable for you and your body. At your consultation, you might find that the plan of action changes slightly from what you were initially expecting – but will enable you to achieve the best possible result.

  1. Plan your finances

If you are looking for breast enlargement in Bristol, the chances are you will need to pay privately for your surgery. For most women, this is seen as a worthwhile investment in order to improve the way they look and feel for the rest of their lives. Whether you have saved up or you are using a loan, it’s a good idea to plan your finances carefully and make sure you get a breakdown of the complete cost before you book.

  1. Be aware of the risks

Breast enlargement is a very common and very safe procedure. Of course, as with any surgery, there are some risks. These include bleeding or infection after surgery, scarring and problems with the implants. Although you are highly unlikely to experience any difficulties, I make all my patients fully aware of the risks and am always happy to answer any questions honestly.

  1. Find the surgeon that’s right for you

Of course, experience and qualifications are two of the most crucial things to look for in your surgeon. However, it’s also important to choose a surgeon for your breast enlargement Bristol that truly understands your vision, and is able to support you at every step of the way. Find out more about the care I offer by getting in touch.

  1. Confide in a friend

Having cosmetic surgery is a life-changing decision and it’s crucial that you are confident about your decision. Many of my patients know exactly what they want and have dreamed about it for many years – but have sometimes never mentioned it to anyone else. It can help to confide in a friend about your plans so that you have someone to support you in this journey (alongside your surgeon, of course).


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