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Skin Laser Treatment At Wood Private Clinic In Devon

If you are looking for a treatment to revitalise and rejuvenate your skin, laser treatment could benefit you.

The procedure is now available at the Wood MediSpa in Devon, carried out by the highly experienced Mr Paul Wilson.

Skin laser treatment at Wood Private Clinic In Devon

At Paul Wilson Aesthetics, we are proud to offer the latest in skin laser treatment technology to deliver outstanding results. We have helped many clients achieve healthy-looking skin and a youthful appearance. 

Skin laser treatment offers many great benefits. Not only can it reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but it can also treat sun damage and conditions like acne, giving skin a healthy glow. 

At Wood MediSpa, we offer three types of laser treatment:

  • Halo Laser
  • BBL Laser
  • Erbium Laser Resurfacing

BBL laser treatment

BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy uses revolutionary technology to help rebuild the skin’s structure by speeding up collagen production. A BBL laser is equipped with a broad range of wavelengths integrated with thermoelectric monitoring to give patients a cooling sensation. The treatment aims to rejuvenate the skin to give patients a youthful complexion. 

BBL laser can be used to treat the following:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Scarring
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Vascular lesions
  • Uneven skin tones

Before treatment, a topical anaesthetic will be applied to the treatment area, and you will be asked to wear protective eyewear. The BBL laser will then pass over your body and target the treatment area with blasts of high-intensity light. 

BBL laser therapy is a fast and effective treatment, with results showing in as little as 2–4 weeks. You will soon notice a change in the appearance of any discolouration, pores and fine lines as skin is revitalised and becomes brighter and smoother. 

BBL 4c


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    The Results

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    Paul is an established Consultant Plastic Surgeon, at the Wood private clinic in Devon. This gives patients the opportunity to receive gold standard treatment at a first-class location within beautiful grounds at the country medispa, Wood.

    Halo laser treatment

    HALO has quickly become a popular skin rejuvenation laser. This revolutionary hybrid treatment offers the benefits of two lasers in one — ablative and non-ablative wavelengths, for precision and dramatic results. 

    The ablative laser focuses on one specific area of your skin like your neck, face or chin. The laser removes any damaged skin in the targeted area while stimulating any remaining skin, encouraging healthy tissue growth. 

    The non-ablative laser goes deeper than the superficial layer of the skin and is used to treat the following:

    • Scarring
    • Skin pigmentation
    • Wrinkles and fine lines
    • Sun damage 
    • Discolouration

    Before the procedure, a numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area so that you are comfortable. Your doctor will control the wavelength and depth of the laser, which will be tailored to your individual needs to achieve superior results. 

    HALO laser treatment can significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles in a matter of weeks, making skin look and feel smooth and radiant.

    HALO 4c


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      The Results

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      Erbium laser resurfacing

      Erbium laser resurfacing is a procedure used to reverse the signs of anti-ageing by reducing the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles — giving patients a youthful complexion that they are proud to show off. 

      The Erbium laser removes old and damaged skin, encouraging a fresh, healthy layer to grow and replace it. 

      This treatment is widely used to treat the following: 

      • Sun damage 
      • Hyperpigmentation
      • Fine lines and wrinkles

      During Erbium laser resurfacing, the treatment area is numbed with a local anaesthetic before a laser beam is gently passed over the treatment area. Sometimes this may feel warm, so to help reduce this warm sensation, cool air is used to help the patient remain comfortable throughout the procedure. 

      After the procedure, you can expect your skin tone and texture to improve in around 25 weeks. Wrinkles and fine lines will diminish, giving skin a rejuvenated feel and youthful glow.

      Book consultation

        Book a laser treatment consultation

        Laser treatments can offer incredible results that can reverse the effects of ageing and sun damage, helping skin to look happy and healthy. If you want to revitalise your skin and regain confidence in your appearance, this could be the procedure for you. 

        If you wish to undergo skin laser treatment, we recommend choosing an experienced professional like Mr Paul Wilson. With years of experience, Paul is a highly-qualified aesthetic surgeon who can offer you trusted advice while carrying out your procedure with the utmost care.

        If you have more questions regarding laser treatment, book a consultation today at The Wood Country MediSpa, located in the stunning county of Devon. 

        During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to speak to Paul about your cosmetic goals and gain advice on your treatment options. 

        We pride ourselves on giving you the high-quality care you deserve and aim to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


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