Vaser Liposuction
Build You Self-Confidence with Liposuction
Feel Proud of Your New Body Shape
A Tailored Plan to suit you and your body goals
Break Free from Body Shame & Become More Attractive
Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat: Achieve Contoured Confidence
Reveal Your Hidden Curves: Enhance Your Silhouette
Vaser Liposuction
Vaser Liposuction

Build You Self-Confidence with Liposuction
Feel Proud of Your New Body Shape
A Tailored Plan to suit you and your body goals
Break Free from Body Shame & Become More Attractive
Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat: Achieve Contoured Confidence
Reveal Your Hidden Curves: Enhance Your Silhouette
Build You Self-Confidence with Liposuction
Feel Proud of Your New Body Shape Confidence
A Tailored Plan to suit you and your body goals
Break Free from Body Shame & Become More Attractive
Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat: Achieve Contoured Confidence
Reveal Your Hidden Curves: Enhance Your Silhouette
What is vaser liposuction?
The thermal energy destroys the body’s fat cells and seals off the vessels around it, leaving it ready to be sucked out with a traditional lipo tube.
Combined fat-transfer procedures, such as lipo-filling to the breasts or body sculpting are also possible, like traditional lipo methods.
Vaser is one of the most popular forms of liposuction available, targeting those unwanted fatty areas you struggle to budge. VASER Lipo treatment is personally tailored for every patient according to body shape and desired outcome. It’s powerful enough to tackle larger areas of fat, for example on the tummy, flanks or thighs, but it’s also precise enough to work in delicate areas like the neck. If you have stubborn areas of fat, Vaser Lipo can reduce these.
We use state-of-the-art ultrasound technology for VASER Liposuction designed to selectively remove fat and help reshape your body and boost your confidence.
Your procedure is performed by Mr Wilson, which may take a couple of hours, depending on the number of areas that you wish to improve which can remove up to 4 litres of fat.
Vaser machines use ultrasonic energy to selectively break apart the fatty tissue whist still preserving essential tissues. The ultrasonic sound waves that the small probes emit break apart the fat on contact. The fat then becomes liquefied and is removed by a cannula via suction through tiny incisions. The discrete incisions are between 3-4mm.
Vaser Liposuction is excellent for removing unwanted fat and body shaping, contouring and sculpting.
Book consultation
Suitable for men and women
A common misconception about Vaser is that only women undergo procedures. Vaser lipo has taken the UK by storm and both men and women are using it up and down the country to define and refine muscle.
Want a crisp looking 6-pack, or ‘legs of steel’? Look no further than Vaser.
Men and women are now using Vaser to get rid of belly fat, thigh fat, flabby arms and neck, and sagging bums. Fat can even be injected in to muscles such as the deltoids and triceps, for that ripped appearance.
Treatments by trained professionals
Procedures for Vaser liposuction are carried out at the Wood medispa clinic by Mr Wilson personally, and follow a very personal consultation. The consultations that we provide are in-depth and are designed to make you feel at ease, whilst producing a plan that is tailored to suit you and your body goals.
Using this state of the art technology, we can help you remove fat instantly and reshape your body.