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Revision Rhinoplasty with a FREE Zoom consultation

Revision rhinoplasty is undertaken to repair the nose for the purposes of improving either form or function. It is a surgical procedure which is performed after your nose has been operated on previously.

Typically, revision rhinoplasty is an option taken by patients who are unsatisfied with their cosmetic appearance following nasal surgery undertaken previously or who are having problems breathing through the nose.

What does a revision rhinoplasty involve?

Revision rhinoplasty can be more complex than primary rhinoplasty, especially if you have undergone several procedures. For this reason, the appointment of a surgeon who is both experienced and qualified is essential.

A revision rhinoplasty's nature will depend on a patient’s specific requirements. Some revision rhinoplasty procedures involve a complex overhaul of the nose, but a revision rhinoplasty can often be a simple process, such as removing excess bone in the nasal bridge.

In some cases, tissue grafts restore cartilage in the nose of patients who have had too much tissue removed in previous surgeries. These procedures are typically among the most prolonged and most complicated, involving the ‘harvesting’ of tissue grafts from areas such as the temple region.

Usually, a general anaesthetic or IV sedation is used for revision rhinoplasty procedures, although in some cases, local injections are used. In a closed rhinoplasty procedure, incisions are limited to the inside of the nose, whereas open rhinoplasty can involve a small incision underneath the tip of the nose. Open rhinoplasty can sometimes offer better results due to its exposure level, but in other cases, it is sufficient to perform closed rhinoplasty.

A splint or any stitches used are usually removed within a week, and you can expect most bruises to have faded within ten days. While it can take several months for swelling to disappear completely, most of our Bristol revision rhinoplasty patients can return to work after a week.

Preservation rhinoplasty has revolutionised my practice and is now the operation of choice for all primary rhinoplasty cases. For details about Rhinoplasty treatment, please visit this page.


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    The Results

    I am incredibly pleased with the result of my rhinoplasty. The care I have received from Mr Wilson and his team has been and continues to be fantastic. He is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in the UK.

    Revision rhinoplasty is a procedure used to recontour and reshape the nose following a primary rhinoplasty. It will also address any functional concerns with breathing that you may have. 


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