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Lumps and bumps removal

We offer a range of minor procedures, including the removal of cosmetic ‘lumps and bumps’ in our dedicated local anaesthetic day case surgery theatre.

If you need a minor operation under local anaesthetic, we will try to do this for you directly after having seen the consultant. This saves you the inconvenience of coming back on another day for your treatment.

We undertake the following minor outpatient procedures in our day case theatre:

  • Excision and reconstruction of suspected skin cancers (BCCs)
  • Excision of benign moles
  • Split Ear lobe reconstruction
  • Scar revision
  • ‘Lumps and bumps’ excision
  • Hand surgery to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger fingers and dorsal wrist ganglions

Some patients who are taking blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or clopidogrel may need to stop this for a few days before surgery. However, it is important that you do not stop taking any medication unless requested to do so either by one of our consultants or by your GP. Aspirin is not generally a problem and patients can continue to take this as normal.

After surgery we can arrange for follow-up with your GP or practice nurse, although we may need to see you again once or twice at the private hospital depending upon what you have had done. We will, of course, advise you about this on the day of your surgery.

If a biopsy is required a charge is made for the histological examination of the specimen.

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    Lump or Bump Removal Prices

    If you have an unusual ‘lump or bump’ an ultrasound may be requested first to confirm the nature of the swelling prior to removal. Your consultant will advise you whether this is necessary. Mr Wilson is happy to receive referrals by GP letter, fax, phone call or email.


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