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Liposuction performed in Bristol By Dr Paul

Liposuction is a surgical procedure for removing excess unwanted fat from areas around the body.

Over time, fatty tissue accumulates in the flanks, lower abdomen and thighs (in women) and the abdomen, flanks and chest (in men).

The procedure

Liposuction is the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (cannula) connected to a powerful vacuum. This is not a method of weight reduction, but a way to remove stubborn fatty deposits that remain despite dieting, exercise or massage.

Historically, liposuction involved using relatively large cannulae and was associated with extensive bruising and a higher risk of irregularities. Today, liposuction uses much finer cannulae which cause less trauma to the tissues and allow fat to be removed in a much more controlled manner. Liposculpture is a refinement on the process of liposuction and uses finer instruments to target and define very specific areas of the body.

It is important to understand that liposculpture is not a method of losing weight and is not a

substitute for diet and exercise, but it can be used on stubborn “pockets” of fat. It is available to both men and women and is normally done under local anaesthetic and sedation as a day procedure.

There are some new techniques for fat removal using ultrasound and laser systems (laserlipolysis). These procedures are not generally used to remove large areas of fat, but to target specific areas of fat more precisely, helping to shape and sculpt your figure. If you are healthy and wish to remove stubborn fat deposits, then you could consider this procedure. Liposculpture can also be performed alongside a tummy tuck procedure to help remove areas of excess skin.

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