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Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery removes fat, skin and glandular tissue from the breasts, leaving them smaller, lighter, lifted and firmer.

Having large, heavy breasts makes many women uncomfortable both physically and psychologically.


Breast reduction (also known as “reduction mammaplasty”) is a popular procedure with a very high satisfaction rate. Many of our cosmetic surgery patients choose breast reduction to feel more proportionate, to look better and to dress more comfortably. At Paul Wilson Aesthetics, we’ve had the pleasure of caring for breast reduction patients for over ten years, and we still enjoy the ability to personalise every case in order to get the best results for our patients.

The weight of excess tissue of very large breasts may cause back and neck pain, skin irritation, skeletal deformities, and even breathing difficulties. Many teenage girls and women are extremely self-conscious about the size of their breasts. Pain relief is often achieved by having this procedure.

For women with these problems, breast reduction surgery can bring significant pain relief. Breast reductions are one of the most successful and immediately satisfying of aesthetic procedures because it allows patients to enjoy a more active life with greater self-esteem.

Breast reduction surgery is a very straightforward procedure that removes fat, glandular tissue and skin to create smaller, better shaped lifted breasts. Breast reductions also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The end results are attractive breasts that are in proportion to the rest of your body.

If you’re happy with the volume of your breasts on a bra then an uplift or mastopexy procedure maybe a better procedure. For more information on mastopexy please visit our breast mastopexy page. Visit our page here for Breast reduction costs.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Typical breast reduction patients

    You could be a candidate for breast reduction surgery if you experience any of the following:

    • Your breasts feel too big in proportion to the rest of your body
    • Clothes don’t fit well around your breasts
    • Your breasts are different sizes
    • Weight gain has made your breasts too big
    • Your breasts have lost their firmness

    Preparing for breast reduction surgery

    Every patient will have undergone a full consultation with Paul so that patients are made fully aware and comfortable before entering into any surgery.

    The hospital where your operation is taking place will provide patients with full detailed written instructions on preparing for surgery.

    Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anaesthesia meaning patients are not prohibited to eat or drink 6 hours prior to the operation.

    Recovery process

    The recovery process can be different depending on the patient.

    However, most patients will usually:

    • Be able to go home the day after surgery
    • Be able to return to driving within a week
    • Return to work within two weeks
    • Be able to exercise within a month

    What shape will the scar be?

    Mr Wilson uses either the vertical reduction method resulting in a ‘lollipop’ shaped scar or a Wise pattern technique resulting in an anchor shaped scar. The most appropriate method will be chosen especially for you. The vertical technique uses shorter scars (lollipop rather than anchor scars), but it also gives a better shape (with more projection) and it has a more long-lasting shape (avoids bottoming-out with time).

    Does Mr Wilson teach breast reduction?

    Paul gives teaching on all aspects of aesthetic breast surgery to visiting consultants, fellows and trainees.

    What symptoms are related to large breasts?

    Breasts which are too large for a woman’s frame can cause physical and emotional discomfort and distress while limiting clothing choices, making it challenging to perform certain activities and taking a toll on your self-esteem. If you are struggling with painful physical symptoms, poor posture, difficulty sleeping or self- consciousness or wish to reverse the effects of pregnancy, weight loss or ageing, breast reduction may be right for you.

    The Procedure

    Breast reduction removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin to improve cosmetic appearance and proportion of the breasts as well as to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts. It may also be possible to correct breast asymmetry, improve sagging or reduce the size of large areolae during the procedure if the patient wishes.

    At Paul Wilson Aesthetics, we aim to use a “vertical” approach for most breast reductions. This results in a “lollipop” scar around the areola and down to the crease under the breast. The nipple is not removed but rather moved upwards while staying attached to blood supply and breast tissue. The excess skin and breast tissue are then removed and the final closure resembles a tennis racquet or lollipop. Any remaining scars are usually well concealed beneath a swimsuit or bra. We also use liposuction in the area in front of the armpits and along the sides of the chest to shape the breast and further enhance the results.

    Can you use liposuction alone?

    In some cases, we can perform breast reduction with liposuction alone. Candidate for this procedure tend to be older, with breast tissue that is more fatty and less glandular. The technique used for a patient’s breast reduction is ultimately determined by several factors, including the patient’s anatomy, the patient’s aesthetic preferences, the amount of reduction desired and Mr Wilsons advice.

    What is the down time after breast reduction surgery?

    Some downtime is required after breast reduction surgery. During this time, the breasts may be swollen, bruised, tender and sensitive.

    Should I limit my exercise after breast reduction?

    Physical activity should be limited and reintroduced slowly. Mr Wilson will provide specific instructions for recovery that may include how to care for your breasts following surgery, medications to use to aid healing, potential concerns to watch for and when to return for follow-up care.

    How long will the results last?

    Breast reduction surgery can provide long-lasting results, and many patients experience dramatic improvements in their lives. A smaller breast size can offer relief from the pain and physical limitations of excessively large breasts, while a more streamlined and balanced figure can bring a welcome boost to your self-image. A breast reduction procedure cannot, however, guarantee permanent results. The breasts will continue to experience the natural transformations of ageing, and may also change due to weight fluctuations, hormonal factors or pregnancy.

    Am I a good candidate for breast reduction?

    A good candidate for breast reduction is close to her ideal body weight, is healthy and has realistic expectations for the outcome of her procedure. Women who have poor skin quality or have lost a great deal of weight may need longer incisions. Smokers must quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery because nicotine can interfere with blood supply and healing.

    Am I too old for a breast reduction?

    Age seldom prevents a woman from having breast reduction surgery. We have performed breast reduction surgery from women from age 18 to well into their 80s. If a teenager is close to her ideal body weight, surgery may be indicated since weight loss will not alter breast size. We evaluate our older patients by their health, rather than their age when determining eligibility for surgery.

    What are the reasons for having a breast reduction?

    Large breasts can cause not only physical but also emotional discomfort. Breast reduction surgery can address both medical issues and aesthetic concerns, creating a more balanced and shapely silhouette while restoring your quality of life and your confidence in your body.

    Many of our patients feel that the size of their breasts makes them look heavy, and they would like to be in better proportion. They want to wear clothing more comfortably, find well-fitting bras more easily and feel confident in their appearance. Following breast reduction surgery, breasts are smaller, firmer and more lifted. This achieves a more youthful look and a well-balanced contour that complements the body. Many patients find that this more proportionate physique is easier to dress off the rack, making shopping for clothing a much more enjoyable experience. The importance of self-esteem should not be underestimated. For some women, large breasts are a source of anxiety, embarrassment or shame. Patients for breast reduction sometimes report that they feel insecure in social situations or intimate encounters, or that the size of their breasts has a negative impact on their ability to reach their professional goals. Others say the unwanted attention their breasts attract leaves them feeling self-conscious or depressed. Breast reduction can rebuild body-confidence and help patients feel comfortable in their own skin.

    Will a breast reduction improve my physical symptoms?

    Women often also find that reducing breast size can improve back, neck and shoulder pain. Chronic pain in these areas is one of the most common complaints for women with large breasts. Other uncomfortable physical symptoms associated with large breasts include nerve pain, poor posture, headaches, skin irritation under the breasts, difficulty finding a comfortable position for sleeping and indentations in the shoulders left behind by bra straps supporting too much weight. For women who lead active lifestyles, large breasts can pose additional challenges that make it difficult or impossible to participate in certain activities.

    Am I a good candidate for breast reduction?

    Good candidates for breast reduction must be in good general health and have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do for them. Post-operative breast shape is determined by the shape that a woman starts with. Breast shape also determines the amount of tissue that can be removed safely and what the final result will be. During a consultation, Mr Wilson will evaluate your needs, your goals, your body type and your lifestyle to determine your candidacy for the procedure.

    When is the the Right Time for me?

    Physical and mental health both play important roles in the successful outcome of a breast reduction. In some cases, a breast reduction is best postponed until the patient has achieved their ideal weight and are in optimal health. Your ability to schedule your surgery around your other activities is also an important consideration. It takes about one to two weeks to get back to normal activities after breast reduction surgery and about three to four weeks to get back to a more active lifestyle. If you have small children, you may want to arrange help for the first couple of weeks until you have your energy back.

    Does breast reduction interfere with breast feeding?

    Breasts naturally change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, potentially reversing the improvements of a breast reduction if you undergo the procedure before you are finished having children. In some cases, breast reduction surgery can interfere with the ability to breastfeed. We tell patients that there is a 50/50 chance of being able to breastfeed after this procedure. If you plan to have children in the future, and if breastfeeding is very important to you, you may want to wait before considering breast reduction surgery. Postponing the procedure until after you have finished creating your family is ideal to ensure optimal results that are long-lasting.

    What training has Mr Wilson had in breast reduction surgery?

    He has completed extensive training in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in both the UK and the Western Australia. He maintains his professional development in aesthetic surgery by regularly attending international courses and visiting esteemed colleagues.

    I have more questions

    If you have more questions about breast reduction or you want to find out if the procedure can improve your comfort and confidence, we invite you to visit Paul Wilson Aesthetics for a consultation. Call us today at 07480 125890 to learn more or schedule an appointment.


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