A body lift, ‘circumferential lift’, ‘belt lipectomy’ or ‘full body lift’ is an operation designed to rejuvenate the abdominal area and removes excess fat and skin. It is often performed for patients who have lost a lot of weight.
Who is it suitable for?
Sometimes, a completion belt lipectomy can be performed if you have already had a tummy tuck. In this case the back incision will join the abdominoplasty scar. This is often performed in conjunction with a thigh lift.
A body lift is most suitable for those of normal stable body weight who have developed excess skin and / or fat all the way around the body. The commonest cause is weight loss. It requires patients to be highly motivated and also assurance that they will not put on further weight. It is important to be weight stable for at least a year and preferably longer.
Who is it not suitable for?
Those with a significant medical history should disclose this in the initial consultation to see whether you’d be a good candidate. Anyone who has been encouraged to undergo surgery by others.
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